Selon les
déclarations de Davis S. Chelsey l’avocat engagé par la famille des
présumés tueurs, le couple n’avait absolument pas
les compétences pour manipuler les armes (fusils d’assaut et bombes)
voire même pas la capacité physique en ce qui concerne la femme.
Et surtout, il précise
que le couple a été retrouvé mort dans son véhicule (un SUV), faces
contre le plancher et mains menottées. Ce couple de supposés "tueurs daéchiens" a donc été exécuté. Cela nous rappelle les "tueurs" de Charlie Hebdo et des attentats de Paris , toujours retrouvés exécutés, en laissant gentiment une pièce d'identité afin de ne pas égarer la police et la justice dans des méandres d'enquêtes sans issues. Ce grossier procédé marche apparemment auprès des médias et de la plèbe: pourquoi en changer ?
Vous avez entendu comme moi parler de la tuerie perpétrée le 2 décembre dernier à San Bernardino en Californie :Mercredi, au moins 14 personnes ont été tuées en Californie, à San Bernardino, lorsqu’un couple de tireurs a ouvert le feu lors d’une fête professionnelle de fin d’année par des employés [d’un centre social qui dépend] du comté. Les deux assaillants étaient mariés, selon les premiers éléments de l’enquête qui tente d’expliquer pourquoi ils ont mené cette tuerie.…..une dispute aurait éclaté: un convive aurait quitté les lieux avant de revenir avec sa femme, vers 11h, en tenue paramilitaire, chacun lourdement armé d’un fusil d’assaut et d’une arme de poing, raconte le New York Times
J’ignore si on peut dire
d’une personne équipée d’une arme de poing et d’un fusil d’assaut
qu’elle est lourdement armée puisque ce sont là des armes légères en
comparaison de ce qu’on appelle armes lourdes (bazookas, mitrailleuses
lourdes etc.). Mais ne chipotons pas…
Le couple accusé d’être
l’auteur du massacre est celui que formaient (ils ont été tués par la
police) Syed Farook et Tashfeen Malik, mariés depuis assez peu de temps
et parents d’une fillette de six mois.
La femme, Tashfeen Malik se serait radicalisée et aurait prêté allégeance à Daesh sur Facebook.
Non, non je rigole pas : sur Facebook, c’est ce que disent les journaux.
Quant au mari, il aurait été en contact avec des personnes liées à al Qaïda mais ces contacts remontaient à plusieurs années.
On aurait par ailleurs trouvé au domicile des suspects quantité de munitions et d’explosifs :
Douze engins explosifs artisanaux ont été retrouvés au domicile du couple, ainsi qu’environ 5 000 cartouches de fusil d’assaut. Trois autres engins explosifs artisanaux reliés entre eux et actionnables à distance ont aussi été retrouvés dans le bâtiment visé par les tueurs. Mais ces engins n’ont finalement pas explosé.
Des personnes de
confession musulmane, une prestation d’allégeance à Daesh (sur Facebook
d’accord mais on s’en contentera), des engins explosifs et un passage à
l’acte d’une grande violence, nous avons là tous les ingrédients pour
pouvoir qualifier le crime de terroriste.
D’autant que, peut-on lire dans la presse, Daesh a félicité les « soldats du Califat » pour leur prouesse.
Si vous doutez du
sérieux de la presse, sachez quand même que Daesh n’a toutefois pas
revendiqué explicitement l’attaque qu’il a simplement rapportée dans un
de ses bulletins d’information radiophonique.
Apparemment les journalistes de «20 Minutes»
écoutent une station de radio anglophone de Daesh. Ce que je
m’abstiendrai de faire afin d’éviter la saisie de mon poste de radio et
une assignation à résidence.
Nous sommes là devant un
procédé qui cherche à donner de la crédibilité à une information
manifestement fabriquée en la nuançant par une autre, réelle ou inventée
peu importe.
Si on revient à la
tuerie de San Bernardino proprement dite, on est obligé de prêter
attention à trois faits importants qui amènent au minimum à s’interroger
sur cette affaire voire à douter de l’implication du couple supposé
Il y a d’abord que selon les premières informations la police recherchait trois hommes blancs en tenue militaire
Un autre fait troublant est l’intrusion de nombreux journalistes au domicile des suspects.
Ainsi, le domicile des auteurs présumés d’une tuerie éventuellement de
nature terroristes aurait été laissé sans aucune surveillance policière,
ce qui aurait permis à son propriétaire de briser les scellés et
d’autoriser, moyennant une modeste rétribution, la presse à mener sa
propre perquisition au domicile de ses locataires.
Du jamais vu ! Et ce
n’est pas seulement une question de respect des personnes (coupables ou
non) mais aussi une question de respect du travail de la police et de la
justice. En effet, si la police avait effectué une première
perquisition, on la voit mal maintenant en effectuer une deuxième qui
aurait une quelconque valeur en termes de procédure.
Il y a enfin les
déclarations de Davis S. Chelsey l’avocat engagé par la famille des
présumés tueurs. Ce dernier affirme que le couple n’avait absolument pas
les compétences pour manipuler les armes (fusils d’assaut et bombes)
voire même pas la capacité physique en ce qui concerne la femme.
Et surtout, il précise
que le couple a été retrouvé mort dans son véhicule (un SUV), faces
contre le plancher et mains menottées.
Une exécution donc.
'Craft Intl mercenaries carried out San Bernardino shooting'
Mercenaries from the Craft
International, a tactical training company for the US military, carried
out last week’s false flag operation in San Bernardino, California,
according to Steven D Kelley, a former NSA/CIA contractor.
Wednesday, Syed Rizwan Farook, 28, and Tashfeen Malik, 29, stormed a
holiday party in San Bernardino, California, killing at least 14 people
and injuring 21 in the deadliest mass shooting in the US in three years.
Hours later, the couple reportedly died in a fire exchange with police.
Malik had pledged allegiance to Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the leader of the Daesh (ISIL) terrorist group, three US officials familiar with the investigation claimed on Friday. On Saturday, the Takfiri group also claimed the couple as its followers.
The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) said on Monday the couple had been radicalized "for some time."
Kelley told Press TV on Tuesday that the shooting “is just one in a long string of false flag events that I am afraid to say are not over.”
“We’ll probably be seeing several more before the end of the year, because of the events that are going on in the world, specifically with the NATO being implicated in the buying of oil from Daesh and other events,” he stated.
“So when these things happen they need to have a rapid response which requires a false flag attack. This was very obvious that this was going to happen,” the analyst added.
“The people that were on the scene and saw this happen also reported that three tall white men wearing black shirts, khaki pants and tanned combat boots were actually the shooters. The description is almost exactly what the gentlemen from Craft International, the mercenary organization that was involved in so many other false flags, actually look like. This seems to be their standard uniform,” he noted.
President Barack Obama on Sunday called the California shooting an "act of terrorism” and said the couple who launched the attack "had gone down the dark path of radicalization."
"They had stockpiled assault weapons, ammunition and pipe bombs. So this was an act of terrorism," he claimed.
Kelley said “the people that are being implicated – the couple -- first of all if they were planning something, if they were radicalized as this is being said, and clearly the NSA, the FBI will be right on the top of these people all the time, but rather than stopping them from doing something, they were nurtured to be used for this exact purpose.”
“I do not suspect that these people have anything to do with the actual shooting. I suspect that these were patsies, no different than Timothy McVeigh or any of these other people who have historically been used to implement these terrorist acts,” the commentator said.
“If you look at the people that were wounded you can see clearly that bullet wounds are not real. The .223 weapon or bullets fired from AR15 – an extremely powerful weapon -- would blow someone’s arm off, it is not going to make a small hole,” said Kelley, who is also a weapons expert.
“So clearly this is a very very dirty false flag. Obviously, the United States is getting very very desperate; the government here is very desperate, they need to do something immediately to disarm the United States prior to a revolution, because the people here are waking up very fast, and they are ready to shut down this evil empire. And this needs to happen very soon,” the analyst concluded.
In his televised address from the Oval Office, Obama called for tougher gun controls, starting with a ban on gun purchases for anyone on a US government no-fly list. "To begin with, Congress should act to make sure no one on a no-fly list is able to buy a gun.”
"What could possibly be the argument for allowing a terrorist suspect to buy a semiautomatic weapon? This is a matter of national security," he stated.
Obama has said the “biggest frustration” of his time in the office has been the inability to reduce unparalleled levels of gun violence in the country.
Malik had pledged allegiance to Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the leader of the Daesh (ISIL) terrorist group, three US officials familiar with the investigation claimed on Friday. On Saturday, the Takfiri group also claimed the couple as its followers.
The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) said on Monday the couple had been radicalized "for some time."
Kelley told Press TV on Tuesday that the shooting “is just one in a long string of false flag events that I am afraid to say are not over.”
“We’ll probably be seeing several more before the end of the year, because of the events that are going on in the world, specifically with the NATO being implicated in the buying of oil from Daesh and other events,” he stated.
“So when these things happen they need to have a rapid response which requires a false flag attack. This was very obvious that this was going to happen,” the analyst added.
“The people that were on the scene and saw this happen also reported that three tall white men wearing black shirts, khaki pants and tanned combat boots were actually the shooters. The description is almost exactly what the gentlemen from Craft International, the mercenary organization that was involved in so many other false flags, actually look like. This seems to be their standard uniform,” he noted.
President Barack Obama on Sunday called the California shooting an "act of terrorism” and said the couple who launched the attack "had gone down the dark path of radicalization."
"They had stockpiled assault weapons, ammunition and pipe bombs. So this was an act of terrorism," he claimed.
Kelley said “the people that are being implicated – the couple -- first of all if they were planning something, if they were radicalized as this is being said, and clearly the NSA, the FBI will be right on the top of these people all the time, but rather than stopping them from doing something, they were nurtured to be used for this exact purpose.”
“I do not suspect that these people have anything to do with the actual shooting. I suspect that these were patsies, no different than Timothy McVeigh or any of these other people who have historically been used to implement these terrorist acts,” the commentator said.
“If you look at the people that were wounded you can see clearly that bullet wounds are not real. The .223 weapon or bullets fired from AR15 – an extremely powerful weapon -- would blow someone’s arm off, it is not going to make a small hole,” said Kelley, who is also a weapons expert.
“So clearly this is a very very dirty false flag. Obviously, the United States is getting very very desperate; the government here is very desperate, they need to do something immediately to disarm the United States prior to a revolution, because the people here are waking up very fast, and they are ready to shut down this evil empire. And this needs to happen very soon,” the analyst concluded.
In his televised address from the Oval Office, Obama called for tougher gun controls, starting with a ban on gun purchases for anyone on a US government no-fly list. "To begin with, Congress should act to make sure no one on a no-fly list is able to buy a gun.”
"What could possibly be the argument for allowing a terrorist suspect to buy a semiautomatic weapon? This is a matter of national security," he stated.
Obama has said the “biggest frustration” of his time in the office has been the inability to reduce unparalleled levels of gun violence in the country.
December 9,
“It’s not
him,” a third San Bernardino shooting witness proclaimed about Sayd Farook and
his wife.
so-called “terror couple” have been accused of masterminding an ISIS terror
attack on a Christmas office party where Sayd worked.
Earlier this
month, the attorneys for the Farook family maintained that they do not believe
the suspects are the ones who carried out the attacks in question.
eyewitnesses and family of witnesses and victims initially said that three
athletic Caucasian men had been responsible for carrying out the attacks. Police
immediately banned them from speaking with the media.
Just days
ago, another eye-witness in the office came forward and said that in spite of
what the law enforcement and mainstream media narrative is saying, the
people who carried out the attack where very athletic, large, Caucasian men,
who were three – not two – in number. Farook’s wife, it should be
remembered weighed approximately 90lbs.
Now, a third
prominent eye-witness, Chirs Nwadike, has stepped up to challenge the
mainstream narrative. He recently told reporters he received a phone call
from an unknown person around 7 p.m., on the evening of the shooting, who told
him that he must say that Sayd Farook was the shooter.
You read
that right, he says that he was called and told to change his story and say
that Farook carried out the attacks with his wife, even though that is very
different than what he witnessed.
Nwadike told
“No it’s not
him [Sayd]. I told them about it. He’s quiet. He doesn’t make any trouble.”
“He was just
spraying bullets everywhere,” Nwadike said. But the gunman was not Sayd, or his
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