Compte tenu du succès remarquable de l’intervention
russe en Syrie, l’Empire anglo-sioniste contre-attaque. La question était
de savoir comment et quand. Nous connaissons aujourd’hui deux débuts de réponse.
Le 24 novembre 2015,
l’Armée de l’air turque a délibérément abattu un avion de combat russe SU-24, même
s’il était absolument évident que cet avion ne représentait aucune menace pour
la Turquie et pour le peuple turc.
Dimanche soir,
6 décembre 2015, la coalition « internationale » avait
commis un acte d'agression contre une base de l'armée
régulière syrienne dans la région de Deir Ezzor, dans l'est du pays.
Les États-Unis et l’Otan se sont immédiatement approprié
l’attaque contre le bombardier russe, en apportant leur plein soutien à la
Turquie. Par contre, ils ont totalement nié l’attaque contre la base militaire
syrienne. En fait, l'armée américaine a mené un raid aérien contre
cette base car elle abrite l'élite des forces spéciales russes (Spetsnaz) qui
avaient découvert un projet secret de la CIA pour exfiltrer les hauts
dirigeants Daéchiens du Moyen-Orient vers le Tennessee, aux USA. Les Spetsnaz ont pour mission de traquer les chefs terroristes et de les liquider. Les Américains voulaient liquider les Spetsnaz pour sauver les chefs terroristes qu’ils voudraient recycler et lancer sur d'autres théâtres d'opération : Russie, Chine, Asie Centrale.
« Les
appareils de la coalition internationale ont tiré neuf missiles dimanche soir
en direction du camp militaire », a annoncé le ministère syrien des
Affaires étrangères, dans un communiqué repris par la
télévision nationale. Une source militaire syrienne a confirmé que des
frappes avaient eu lieu entre 20 h et 21 h dimanche et qu'elles avaient atteint
un camp d'entraînement militaire. Des dépôts d'armes ont été bombardés et deux
tanks ont été endommagés, mais les véritables cibles, des Spetsnaz russes, n'ont pas été atteintes. Damas a vivement réagi en
accusant « la coalition menée par les États-Unis » de cette
« agression flagrante » qui « viole de façon criante la Charte
des Nations unies ».
L'observatoire syrien des droits de l'homme (OSDH, pro américain) a
confirmé l'attaque. L'OSDH rapporte également que les frappes ont fait quatre morts et
13 blessés. Toujours selon l'ONG, il s'agit de la première fois que
des frappes de la "coalition internationale" visent des forces syriennes.
Or, jusqu'à présent, les Russes coordonnaient leurs vols, au-dessus de la Syrie, avec les Américains, même si ces derniers ne veulent pas le reconnaître publiquement. Manifestement, et comme toujours, ceux-ci ne respectent pas les accords conclus et les violent sans hésiter lorsque cela leur convient.
Or, jusqu'à présent, les Russes coordonnaient leurs vols, au-dessus de la Syrie, avec les Américains, même si ces derniers ne veulent pas le reconnaître publiquement. Manifestement, et comme toujours, ceux-ci ne respectent pas les accords conclus et les violent sans hésiter lorsque cela leur convient.
Les États-Unis nient les accusations de Damas
Les États-Unis nient avoir touché un camp militaire syrien. « Nous sommes au courant de ces informations parues dans la
presse, mais nous n'avons mené aucune frappe dans cette partie de Deir
Ezzor », a déclaré à l'AFP un porte-parole américain de la coalition, le
colonel Steve Warren. C'est, évidemment, un mensonge éhonté, puisque même leur allié, l'OSDH, a confirmé l'attaque.
Il s'agit du premier incident de ce genre à être
annoncé publiquement depuis que les États-Unis et leurs valets ont entamé leur campagne de faux bombardements aériens
contre les djihadistes de Daech.
S'ils avaient touché des cibles russes, comme ils en avaient l'intention, cela aurait pu vite dégénérer, car les Russes ont les capacités d'abattre n'importe quel avion, fût-il américain.
S'ils avaient touché des cibles russes, comme ils en avaient l'intention, cela aurait pu vite dégénérer, car les Russes ont les capacités d'abattre n'importe quel avion, fût-il américain.
Les États-Unis attaquent des militaires russes qui ont découvert une base secrète de Daech dans le Tennessee
En réalité, quatre avions de combat
américains ont lancé neuf missiles sur la base syrienne, le dimanche soir,
tuant au moins trois personnes et en blessant treize autres. Ces attaques sont motivées
par la peur que les forces russes,
résidant dans cette base, aient découvert un projet « ultra top secret
» de la CIA consistant à former aux États-Unis les djihadistes de Daech dans un camp secret au cœur de l'Amérique, nommé
"Islamville" près de Dover, (Tennessee) ,
situé à environ 50 kilomètres de la base de l'US Army de Fort Campbell.
Selon Washington Standard , il y a au moins 22 camps d'entraînement de terroristes islamiques aux États-Unis dans les zones reculées de Géorgie, de Californie, de Californie du Sud, de Virginie, du Texas, du Michigan et du Tennessee, toutes sous "l'œil vigilant du FBI."
Le site américain,, qui rapporte l’information, l’analyse ainsi :
Selon Washington Standard , il y a au moins 22 camps d'entraînement de terroristes islamiques aux États-Unis dans les zones reculées de Géorgie, de Californie, de Californie du Sud, de Virginie, du Texas, du Michigan et du Tennessee, toutes sous "l'œil vigilant du FBI."
Le site américain,, qui rapporte l’information, l’analyse ainsi :
« D’abord, Obama, par cette attaque,
cible directement ces forces d'élite Spetsnaz russes en Syrie. Ensuite, Obama veut cacher la fait que la
découverte de cette base militaire islamiste secrète au cœur de l'Amérique, risque
de révéler qu’il y a au moins 22 autres bases qui y ressemblent à travers les
États-Unis et qui ont été documentées par diverses sources.»
Pire encore, ce rapport met en garde sur le
fait que ces bases "connues" qui sont d'abord des centres
de formation et d’entraînement
militaires pour des attaques ciblées (contre des pays musulmans et non musulmans, comme la Chine ou la Russie), sont aussi une menace pour l’Amérique. Le
rapport note qu’il y a, aux USA, plus de 2.200 mosquées, dont 75 %
appartiennent «réseau des Frères musulmans», car elles sont officiellement détenues
par « North American Islamic Trust » (NAIT), la banque des Frères
musulmans aux États-Unis.
Sources :
Sources :
Pourquoi sauver les chefs daéchiens ?
Le commandant des
unités de renseignement de l’armée syrienne a fait état de la reddition
de près de 5000 hommes armés, qui ont accepté de combattre, désormais,
les terroristes de Daech! Ces ex-rebelles, qui combattaient
l’armée nationale, dans la banlieue de Deraa et d’Al-Soueida
appartiennent, entre autres, à la milice Jaïsh al-Harka. Les hommes
armés ont accepté de combattre Daech, aux côtés de l’armée syrienne, en
échange d’une amnistie générale.
Les pourparlers entre l’armée et les
miliciens ont débuté, il y a trois mois, sous l’auspice des dignitaires
des tribus de Deraa et de Deir ez-Zor, et l’accord, de part et d’autre,
était prêt à entrer en vigueur depuis un mois. Selon les termes de cet
accord, les membres de Jaïsh al-Harka quitteront le rif de Deraa et la
ville elle-même, pour se rendre à Al-Ghaiteyn dans la banlieue Nord de
Homs et aux alentours d’Al-Salmiya, à Hama, où ils devront se battre
contre Daech et l’expulser de ces régions; et ce avec l’appui des raids
aériens de la Russie.
L’armée syrienne armera aussi ces ex-rebelles et
couvrira leur action par des raids aériens. Ces forces ont déjà libéré
trois cités, dans la banlieue de Hama, et elles font marche sur la cité
de Mahin, à Homs.
Ces redditions massives s'intensifient de jour en jour, d'où la panique des Américains et de leurs supplétifs islamistes.
DAECH dans la stratégie américaine : une Arme de Destruction Massive
Russian troops may have discovered secret ISIS base in Tennessee
8U.S. warplanes operating in the Levant War Zone conducted a bombing raid against a Syrian Arab Army compound in an attempt to kill Russian forces that uncovered a secret CIA “ratline” funnelling ISIS leaders from the battle zone to Dover, Tennessee.
According to a report, four U.S. warplanes launched nine missiles at the Syrian Arab Army compound in early December, killing at least three people and injuring 13. The Syrian government labelled the attack as an “act of aggression” and the Syrian Foreign Ministry sent an official protest to the U.N. Security Council over the airstrikes. SANA news agency quoted the Ministry as saying that “Syria strongly condemns the act of aggression by the U.S.-led coalition that contradicts the U.N. Charter on goals and principles.” This aggression shows that the “U.S. coalition is not serious and insincere in the fight against terrorism.”
It is believed that the decision to target the troops was due to the fear that these forces have uncovered a plot which involved the CIA’s smuggling of ISIS heavyweights from the Levant War Zone to Islamville, a secret “commune/ training compound” in Dover, Tennessee, located roughly 50 kilometres from the U.S. Army base Fort Campbell where the terrorists are supposedly being trained to use shoulder fired ground-to-air missiles. On December 2, a “training accident” involving these terrorists killed two soldiers when their AH-64 Apache helicopter was “mistakenly” shot down.
According to The Washington Standard, there are at least 22 verified Islamic terror training camps in the United States in remote areas of Georgia, California, South California, Virginia, Texas, Michigan and Tennessee “–all under the watchful eye of the FBI.” The Clarion Project revealed that there are 22 “villages” around the United States, with Islamberg as its main headquarters in New York. It obtained secret MOA [Muslims of the Americas] footage showing “female members receiving paramilitary training at Islamberg.” Clarion released a MOA tape which showed its spokesman declaring the United States to be a Muslim-majority country.
A 2007 FBI record revealed that MOA members have been involved in over ten murders, one disappearance, one attempted firebombing, three firebombings, one attempted bombing and two explosive bombings. The document showed that “members of the MOA are encouraged to travel to Pakistan to receive religious and military/terrorist training from Sheikh Gilani. […] The MOA is now an autonomous organisation which possesses an infrastructure capable of planning and mounting terrorist campaigns overseas and within the U.S.” A 2003 file stated that investigation of the MOA is based on “specific and articulate facts giving justification to believe they are engaged in international terrorism.”
Three months ago, U.S. President Barack Obama said they “don’t have a strategy yet” when asked about the country’s plan to defeat ISIS, but after his recent speech following the San Bernardino massacre, his plan seems to include “more fake air strikes, more weapons for terrorists, more empty talk of coalitions and a plea for Putin to bail him out,” according to Frontpage Mag. “If Obama ever wants to figure out how to really defeat ISIS, he can start by trying to figure out how he would defeat himself.”
Last month, eight Syrians attempted to cross into Texas, although Texas Governor Greg Abbott said the state would refrain from participating “in any program that will result in Syrian refugees being resettled in Texas.” Governors of Florida, Illinois, Alabama, Arizona, Louisiana, Arkansas, Massachusetts, North Carolina, Michigan, Ohio, New Hampshire and Wisconsin have also promised to block Syrian refugees from entering their states.
Germany has recently warned Saudi Arabia against further financing radical groups globally. German Vice Chancellor Sigmar Gabriel told Bild am Sonntag newspaper that “the time of looking away is over” and explained that “Wahhabi mosques all over the world are financed by Saudi Arabia.” This strict version of Sunni Islam is the official religion of Saudi Arabia and is said to be behind ISIS and al Qaeda’s extremist ideologies.
Russian troops may have discovered secret ISIS base in Tennessee
8U.S. warplanes operating in the Levant War Zone conducted a bombing raid against a Syrian Arab Army compound in an attempt to kill Russian forces that uncovered a secret CIA “ratline” funnelling ISIS leaders from the battle zone to Dover, Tennessee.
According to a report, four U.S. warplanes launched nine missiles at the Syrian Arab Army compound in early December, killing at least three people and injuring 13. The Syrian government labelled the attack as an “act of aggression” and the Syrian Foreign Ministry sent an official protest to the U.N. Security Council over the airstrikes. SANA news agency quoted the Ministry as saying that “Syria strongly condemns the act of aggression by the U.S.-led coalition that contradicts the U.N. Charter on goals and principles.” This aggression shows that the “U.S. coalition is not serious and insincere in the fight against terrorism.”
It is believed that the decision to target the troops was due to the fear that these forces have uncovered a plot which involved the CIA’s smuggling of ISIS heavyweights from the Levant War Zone to Islamville, a secret “commune/ training compound” in Dover, Tennessee, located roughly 50 kilometres from the U.S. Army base Fort Campbell where the terrorists are supposedly being trained to use shoulder fired ground-to-air missiles. On December 2, a “training accident” involving these terrorists killed two soldiers when their AH-64 Apache helicopter was “mistakenly” shot down.
According to The Washington Standard, there are at least 22 verified Islamic terror training camps in the United States in remote areas of Georgia, California, South California, Virginia, Texas, Michigan and Tennessee “–all under the watchful eye of the FBI.” The Clarion Project revealed that there are 22 “villages” around the United States, with Islamberg as its main headquarters in New York. It obtained secret MOA [Muslims of the Americas] footage showing “female members receiving paramilitary training at Islamberg.” Clarion released a MOA tape which showed its spokesman declaring the United States to be a Muslim-majority country.
A 2007 FBI record revealed that MOA members have been involved in over ten murders, one disappearance, one attempted firebombing, three firebombings, one attempted bombing and two explosive bombings. The document showed that “members of the MOA are encouraged to travel to Pakistan to receive religious and military/terrorist training from Sheikh Gilani. […] The MOA is now an autonomous organisation which possesses an infrastructure capable of planning and mounting terrorist campaigns overseas and within the U.S.” A 2003 file stated that investigation of the MOA is based on “specific and articulate facts giving justification to believe they are engaged in international terrorism.”
Three months ago, U.S. President Barack Obama said they “don’t have a strategy yet” when asked about the country’s plan to defeat ISIS, but after his recent speech following the San Bernardino massacre, his plan seems to include “more fake air strikes, more weapons for terrorists, more empty talk of coalitions and a plea for Putin to bail him out,” according to Frontpage Mag. “If Obama ever wants to figure out how to really defeat ISIS, he can start by trying to figure out how he would defeat himself.”
Last month, eight Syrians attempted to cross into Texas, although Texas Governor Greg Abbott said the state would refrain from participating “in any program that will result in Syrian refugees being resettled in Texas.” Governors of Florida, Illinois, Alabama, Arizona, Louisiana, Arkansas, Massachusetts, North Carolina, Michigan, Ohio, New Hampshire and Wisconsin have also promised to block Syrian refugees from entering their states.
Germany has recently warned Saudi Arabia against further financing radical groups globally. German Vice Chancellor Sigmar Gabriel told Bild am Sonntag newspaper that “the time of looking away is over” and explained that “Wahhabi mosques all over the world are financed by Saudi Arabia.” This strict version of Sunni Islam is the official religion of Saudi Arabia and is said to be behind ISIS and al Qaeda’s extremist ideologies.
warplanes operating in the Levant War Zone conducted a bombing raid
against a Syrian Arab Army compound in an attempt to kill Russian forces
that uncovered a secret CIA “ratline” funnelling ISIS leaders from the
battle zone to Dover, Tennessee.
According to a report, four U.S. warplanes launched nine missiles at the Syrian Arab Army compound in early December, killing at least three people and injuring 13. The Syrian government labelled the attack as an “act of aggression” and the Syrian Foreign Ministry sent an official protest to the U.N. Security Council over the airstrikes. SANA news agency quoted the Ministry as saying that “Syria strongly condemns the act of aggression by the U.S.-led coalition that contradicts the U.N. Charter on goals and principles.” This aggression shows that the “U.S. coalition is not serious and insincere in the fight against terrorism.”
It is believed that the decision to target the troops was due to the fear that these forces have uncovered a plot which involved the CIA’s smuggling of ISIS heavyweights from the Levant War Zone to Islamville, a secret “commune/ training compound” in Dover, Tennessee, located roughly 50 kilometres from the U.S. Army base Fort Campbell where the terrorists are supposedly being trained to use shoulder fired ground-to-air missiles. On December 2, a “training accident” involving these terrorists killed two soldiers when their AH-64 Apache helicopter was “mistakenly” shot down.
According to The Washington Standard, there are at least 22 verified Islamic terror training camps in the United States in remote areas of Georgia, California, South California, Virginia, Texas, Michigan and Tennessee “–all under the watchful eye of the FBI.” The Clarion Project revealed that there are 22 “villages” around the United States, with Islamberg as its main headquarters in New York. It obtained secret MOA [Muslims of the Americas] footage showing “female members receiving paramilitary training at Islamberg.” Clarion released a MOA tape which showed its spokesman declaring the United States to be a Muslim-majority country.
A 2007 FBI record revealed that MOA members have been involved in over ten murders, one disappearance, one attempted firebombing, three firebombings, one attempted bombing and two explosive bombings. The document showed that “members of the MOA are encouraged to travel to Pakistan to receive religious and military/terrorist training from Sheikh Gilani. […] The MOA is now an autonomous organisation which possesses an infrastructure capable of planning and mounting terrorist campaigns overseas and within the U.S.” A 2003 file stated that investigation of the MOA is based on “specific and articulate facts giving justification to believe they are engaged in international terrorism.”
Three months ago, U.S. President Barack Obama said they “don’t have a strategy yet” when asked about the country’s plan to defeat ISIS, but after his recent speech following the San Bernardino massacre, his plan seems to include “more fake air strikes, more weapons for terrorists, more empty talk of coalitions and a plea for Putin to bail him out,” according to Frontpage Mag. “If Obama ever wants to figure out how to really defeat ISIS, he can start by trying to figure out how he would defeat himself.”
Last month, eight Syrians attempted to cross into Texas, although Texas Governor Greg Abbott said the state would refrain from participating “in any program that will result in Syrian refugees being resettled in Texas.” Governors of Florida, Illinois, Alabama, Arizona, Louisiana, Arkansas, Massachusetts, North Carolina, Michigan, Ohio, New Hampshire and Wisconsin have also promised to block Syrian refugees from entering their states.
Germany has recently warned Saudi Arabia against further financing radical groups globally. German Vice Chancellor Sigmar Gabriel told Bild am Sonntag newspaper that “the time of looking away is over” and explained that “Wahhabi mosques all over the world are financed by Saudi Arabia.” This strict version of Sunni Islam is the official religion of Saudi Arabia and is said to be behind ISIS and al Qaeda’s extremist ideologies.
- See more at:
According to a report, four U.S. warplanes launched nine missiles at the Syrian Arab Army compound in early December, killing at least three people and injuring 13. The Syrian government labelled the attack as an “act of aggression” and the Syrian Foreign Ministry sent an official protest to the U.N. Security Council over the airstrikes. SANA news agency quoted the Ministry as saying that “Syria strongly condemns the act of aggression by the U.S.-led coalition that contradicts the U.N. Charter on goals and principles.” This aggression shows that the “U.S. coalition is not serious and insincere in the fight against terrorism.”
It is believed that the decision to target the troops was due to the fear that these forces have uncovered a plot which involved the CIA’s smuggling of ISIS heavyweights from the Levant War Zone to Islamville, a secret “commune/ training compound” in Dover, Tennessee, located roughly 50 kilometres from the U.S. Army base Fort Campbell where the terrorists are supposedly being trained to use shoulder fired ground-to-air missiles. On December 2, a “training accident” involving these terrorists killed two soldiers when their AH-64 Apache helicopter was “mistakenly” shot down.
According to The Washington Standard, there are at least 22 verified Islamic terror training camps in the United States in remote areas of Georgia, California, South California, Virginia, Texas, Michigan and Tennessee “–all under the watchful eye of the FBI.” The Clarion Project revealed that there are 22 “villages” around the United States, with Islamberg as its main headquarters in New York. It obtained secret MOA [Muslims of the Americas] footage showing “female members receiving paramilitary training at Islamberg.” Clarion released a MOA tape which showed its spokesman declaring the United States to be a Muslim-majority country.
A 2007 FBI record revealed that MOA members have been involved in over ten murders, one disappearance, one attempted firebombing, three firebombings, one attempted bombing and two explosive bombings. The document showed that “members of the MOA are encouraged to travel to Pakistan to receive religious and military/terrorist training from Sheikh Gilani. […] The MOA is now an autonomous organisation which possesses an infrastructure capable of planning and mounting terrorist campaigns overseas and within the U.S.” A 2003 file stated that investigation of the MOA is based on “specific and articulate facts giving justification to believe they are engaged in international terrorism.”
Three months ago, U.S. President Barack Obama said they “don’t have a strategy yet” when asked about the country’s plan to defeat ISIS, but after his recent speech following the San Bernardino massacre, his plan seems to include “more fake air strikes, more weapons for terrorists, more empty talk of coalitions and a plea for Putin to bail him out,” according to Frontpage Mag. “If Obama ever wants to figure out how to really defeat ISIS, he can start by trying to figure out how he would defeat himself.”
Last month, eight Syrians attempted to cross into Texas, although Texas Governor Greg Abbott said the state would refrain from participating “in any program that will result in Syrian refugees being resettled in Texas.” Governors of Florida, Illinois, Alabama, Arizona, Louisiana, Arkansas, Massachusetts, North Carolina, Michigan, Ohio, New Hampshire and Wisconsin have also promised to block Syrian refugees from entering their states.
Germany has recently warned Saudi Arabia against further financing radical groups globally. German Vice Chancellor Sigmar Gabriel told Bild am Sonntag newspaper that “the time of looking away is over” and explained that “Wahhabi mosques all over the world are financed by Saudi Arabia.” This strict version of Sunni Islam is the official religion of Saudi Arabia and is said to be behind ISIS and al Qaeda’s extremist ideologies.
- See more at: